Give Your Kids the Lifelong Gifts of Personal Success, Confidence, Discipline and Self-Defense
...while making sure they have a LOT OF FUN! RAISE LEADERS Martial Arts classes TEACH self-defense, PROMOTE FITNESS AND ENCOURAGE SELF-ESTEEM. Students become healthier THROUGH TRAINING AND LEARN the value of self-discipline and respect. By enrolling your child in a Raise Leaders Martial Arts class, you’re giving them much more than the physical skills we teach, you’re giving them the opportunity to thrive.

LITTLE tigers (ages 3-6)
Your little martial artist will block, punch and kick their way through this positive, noncompetitive twist on the ancient martial art. Obstacle courses, high energy music, skill-based activities and games create fun learning opportunities to help our youngest martial artists gain the focus needed to excel in the classroom and everywhere else they go in life.
Our little tigers program helps students develop balance, coordination, listening and focus skills. Our little ninjas love to break boards, say yes ma’am and earn stickers for following directions.
Youth Martial arts (ages 6-11)
Raise Leaders Youth Martial Arts program provides an introduction to the basic techniques of modern Taekwondo, while increasing strength, flexibility, coordination and cardiovascular fitness. Through the belt ranking system, students are motivated to set short and long-term goals, from earning a new color belt, to envisioning and achieving a Black Belt. Focus is placed on building self-esteem with this age group.
The students who participate in the Youth Program enjoy an atmosphere that is fun and rewarding! At Raise Leaders, our Youth Martial Arts students are taught that through dedicated, intense work, any goal in life is achievable.
Respect for the learning process through a formalized and uniformed class setting
Respect for parents
Respect for teachers through formalities such as addressing instructors with “Yes, Sir!” and “Yes, Ma’am”
Respect for each other and other socialization skills
Responsibility for oneself and one’s actions
Discipline and a positive work ethic
Good manners and respectful behavior
Goal setting and follow through

Martial Arts Promote Resilience
Consider the iconic scene in the 1984 movie "The Karate Kid," in which the heroic young martial arts student Daniel LaRusso finished his championship fight in a martial arts tournament despite having an injured leg. Although it's a dramatic Hollywood scene, the resilience depicted can be a very real benefit for children practicing martial arts.This is borne out by a study published in a January 2019 issue of the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, which explored how a 10-week martial arts program might help children who were subject to bullying.
Researchers found that the martial arts intervention had a significant effect on the study subjects' overall resilience and on their academic, social and emotional self-efficacy — improving their ability to cope with the effects of bullying. And though the goal is to avoid situations where a child needs to use self-defense tactics, taking a martial art gives your children the tools to defend themselves — or others — if necessary.
A Source of Superpowers?
OK, maybe martial arts won't really give your kids superpowers. But they might feel that way as they learn the skills to emulate some of the moves they see their favorite action heroes using in movies or video games. Perhaps more important to you as a parent, your kids will also be building strength, endurance and balance through their martial arts training — maybe even without realizing it.Although they haven't been scientifically verified, many martial arts teachers, students and students' parents can verify anecdotal evidence that the discipline, focus and respectful behavior cultivated by a diligent martial arts practice transfer well to other areas of life, too — which is pretty powerful itself.
Kicking Toward a Healthy Weight
If you're concerned about your child's weight, introducing martial arts classes can be an effective intervention. According to estimates from Harvard Health Publishing, a 125-pound person burns about 600 calories in an hour of martial arts practice — a standard length for most classes.If your child practices three times a week and eats an appropriate diet, that works out to burning a little more than 2 pounds of body fat per month. That might not sound like a lot, but just as every little bit adds up when you're putting body weight on, the same applies when you're taking it off.Also, as a general rule, lifestyle changes easily embraced long term are more effective for losing weight (or keeping it off) than more dramatic, short-term ventures that are often easily abandoned for a return to old habits. So, if your child falls in love (or even "in like") with martial arts, you could be introducing a long-term solution that promotes health and activity for years to come.
Building a Healthy Body
If your children took three one-hour-long martial arts classes a week, they'd be meeting the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) physical activity recommendations for adults: 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio per week. But the DHHS actually recommends more physical activity for children between 6 and 17 years of age: 60 minutes of physical activity daily, plus at least three days of muscle- and bone-strengthening activity per week.If your child participates in an after-school martial arts camp or simply attends practice five days a week, then plays outside or is otherwise active during the weekends, he'll be meeting those criteria to develop a strong, healthy body that'll serve him for years to come.

“Tae Kwon Do has provided my son with an increase in self-esteem and self-discipline. Nathan’s ability to focus and stay focused has helped him in school. After being in Tae Kwon Do for only a few months, his grades have improved. I have noticed Nathan is more confident and sure of himself”
My child hates sports – won’t they hate martial arts too?
Some kids who comes to us are resistant at first, but martial arts instruction is both fun and active. Many kids think that martial artists are cool and that can help them stick with it even if it’s hard at first.
Can martial arts really help my child lose weight?
Yes. Regular physical activity is a must for kids who want to lose weight. Our classes give kids a serious cardiovascular workout and help them burn calories. The training they experience also builds muscle mass which can improve their metabolism.
My child resists learning anything new – what if they resists learning martial arts, too?
If your child is reluctant, we will work with them to help them register a series of successes to build their confidence. Especially at the beginning, it’s easy for students to advance and see the fruits of their labor. Building on those accomplishments can help even the most reluctant student be enthusiastic about martial arts.
What skills will my child learn to help themselves do better in school?
Martial arts training teaches focus, discipline, self-control, and respect. These traits help children let go of petty grievances and learn to pay attention to the things that are most important to their future success.
Will my child learn about healthy eating?
Yes. We talk to kids about the way of life of a successful martial artist. They learn that their bodies can only do what they have fuel to do – and part of that is eating healthy food.
How does martial arts help kids get in shape?
Martial arts classes build core strength and balance while also increasing muscle mass and improving muscle tone. The controlled movements we teach improve kids’ physical fitness with each class they take.
My child is failing in school – how is studying martial arts going to help his grades?
Martial arts training teaches focus, self-discipline, and self-respect. Kids who absorb these lessons carry them everywhere – including the classroom.
Can learning how to punch and kick really help my child with math and spelling?
It can. Sometimes, kids don’t do well in school because they have difficulty focusing or disciplining themselves to study. In our school, they must focus during each class. They learn the value of working toward goals, and that can help them with other subjects, too.

Structured workouts tend to be more effective than solo workouts in terms of burning calories.
Having regular goals complements a weight loss program and allows students to measure their progress.
Regular workouts help students feel good about themselves.
Exploring the mind-body connection helps students practice mindfulness.
Martial arts classes encourage students to avoid distractions and worry. Students focus on self-improvement; not what others think of them.